aerial perspective of blue mountains
Henry Keith

In 1992, after graduating from Georgian College in Ophthalmic Dispensing with honours, Henry completed his clinical training in London under the supervision of Wade Eggett and Michael Peaker. Henry was granted his provincial license the following January and is currently a member of the Canadian Society of Eye Health Practitioners.

Following this, Henry gained valuable clinical experience in the Hamilton region at the Stoney Creek Vision Clinic associated with the practise of Dr. Anthony Angelone.

Once returning to London, Henry enjoyed a seventeen year association with the practise of Dr. John Ayerst until John’s untimely passing in 2014.

When he isn’t driving his son to Collingwood to compete in Grom Slopestyle skiing events he can be found training towards his third degree blackbelt in Shorin Ryu karate. He is proud to serve as a Canadian Ski Patrol Member at Boler Mountain in London, Ontario.

He attributes his talent, insight and great customer service to the early years delivering prescriptions by bicycle for his fathers pharmacy in Woodstock Ontario.